Again, for the benefit of all Ingress players.

Again, for the benefit of all Ingress players. 

Please be advised that everyone should stay away from TONDO/ Del Fierro during night time. Accessing this portal is not worth your safety. 

At around 11:45 - 12:00 am today, A couple of resistance players namely CiciFroufrou and Cyferion was rather dumb enough to drive here and capture the Del Fierro portal. 

Let it be known that both parties (Cici and Cy, Mau and Me) almost ran into trouble when the drunkards became concerned about the pick up truck that was idling in the middle of the road. I tried to help pacify the situation by approaching the car, said Hi, and advised them to park their car. 

Unfortunately, I was called over by the drunkards and was questioned about the said car, so I advised Cici and Cy over the Ingress public comm to leave immediately because the drunkards are getting antsy.

While we can and may vouched for players who will visit here, we are not willing to risk our lives over it.   

Tondo did not get it's reputation because of some vicious gossp that got out of hand. What you see/read on the news is all real. 

People get mugged, people get shot, people get murdered. Shoot outs, fist fights are common. 

So unless you are a Tondo local, accompanied by a local, or go here during daylight. Tondo is not a safe place for you.

Please do pass this to any resistance players that you know IRL. 

Thank you

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