I have been bullied a lot of times when I was a newbie.
I have been bullied a lot of times when I was a newbie. The res people would tag me in the comms to feel the rhythm and blues around the whole city and half of Panay area. They didn't stop me. When I earned my black GP (one of the portals where I had my training/tutorial) last week and my black Illuminator badge a couple of weeks ago, I told myself that no ENL deserves to be bullied. No one is. Today, I travelled almost 8 hours (rough roads and highlands) back and forth from my hometown to Kalibo just to collect smurf tears and fielded 3/4 of Panay. Plus I get to meet ALPRIME3247. I had a grand time and I have plenty of smurf tears to take me to lala land when I get home. Iloilo, represent!!! 🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻 John Markton Diana