Ops #JadeDragon (local sitrep)

The Philippines woke up on a green Sunday morning with ENLPH setting up new milestones for agents and contributing yet again to massive global scale scoring.

ENLPH contributed to global score of 7.4 BILLION with 4 Billion reaching checkpoint.

New records have been set:
- Longest link ever created record holders from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao at 3903km
- Largest Control field on a single field at 930M
- Agents from ENLPH joining the Billionaire's MU club

Thanks to the dedication of agents from brilliant operators, to stealthy and lone sweeping teams down to amazing race runner fielders -- Ops Jade Dragon was completed on Sept 20, 2015 with anchors in Bhutan and Harbin in massive coordination with international agents from China, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Bhutan, Hong Kong and Vietnam.

List of local agents:


more info here: https://plus.google.com/101351222890847292635/posts/CNAixt9a1Ys

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