The Enlightened hold the upper hand for this anomaly, but it doesn't mean we should not heed the call for help of...

The Enlightened hold the upper hand for this anomaly, but it doesn't mean we should not heed the call for help of those who are asking for one.

Enlightened Japan is asking for assistance to set-up a Recharge room for the final Aegis Nova event on July 16, 2016. For those who are interested, please see below and signup at:

1. Please check if your access level meets the minimum requirement for remote recharging.
• If YES, you may form a group in your area for a Recharge team. Minimum of 5 that you will lead and/or will belong to, with no maximum number of members.
• If there is NO Recharge group in your area, we would be happy to assign you to a Recharge group near you.

2. You must be willing to get the recharge keys from Mandaluyong, QC, Pque, and Makati area thru youngacts, BantaySalakay or flipsideyabie on either of the following dates:

July 5 7pm.onwards
July 14 7pm onwards
July 15 7pm onwards

3. Please note that Rechargers WILL NOT earn an anomaly badge. Link to Japan POC's post:

However, some of our agents pledged the ff prizes for the raffle:
- NL-1331 2016 (2x)
- Susanna Moyer 2016
- Jahan 2016
- Devra Rare Kit (2x)

Those who will be able to finish M1 to M4 will be qualified to join (time stamped pix prior and after is required to be submitted to POCs)

Once registered, you will be contacted for further details.

**Thank you Jay Taguines  for the Recharge Range Map

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